Anan Darwesh

Work experience:

22 year
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Dentist Anan Darwesh

Doctor Anan Darwesh

Doctor orthodontist
Candidate of Medical Sciences
2004. - Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry NMU AA Bogomolets.
2007. - He graduated from the clinical residency at the Department of Orthodontics and prosthetic dentistry propedeutics NMU AA Bogomolets.
2007. - Member of the Association of Orthodontists of Ukraine.
2008. - Member of the International Association of Orthodontists in Jerusalem.
2009. - Participant of the Third Pan-European Dental Congress.
2009. - Rapporteur of the Kharkov International scientific-practical conference "Innovative technologies in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery".
2010. - Rapporteur Ternopil scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern dentistry."
2011. - Participates in the International scientific-practical conference "Modern dentistry and maxillofacial surgery".
2012. - Utility model patent "Method of retention."
2014. - Participant of the International lectures «Modern technologies of treatment and prevention in the practice of dentistry" at the training center named ASU professor MF Danilevsky.
2014. - Certificate for the use of invisible aligners «Easy Align».
2014. - Completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Orthodontics and prosthetic dentistry propedeutics NMU AA Bogomolets, he received a degree in medical sciences. The theme of the work: "Design Features and indications for use of retention aids after orthodontic treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies."

Orthodontics (correction of occlusion)


Correction braces


Metal braces

313 USD

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