Reinforcement tooth pin

We often hear that someone from our friends or relatives have established "dental pin" or "tooth on the pin", and often themselves dentists is highly recommended restoration of teeth is on pins. With what is the need of such manipulations? Let's face it. Let's start with the fact that the pins have long been used in dentistry, even in ancient times primitive craftsmen, barbers and later tried to strengthen teeth in various ways, ranging from blades of grass and twigs and finishing later thread and wire. Read more

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Reviews about Reinforcement tooth pin

Сан Санич, це не просто хороший лікар. Це-Лікар від Бога. Лікувалися з чоловіком в нього,ще коли він на Фрунзе був. Суперспеціаліст! Ми зараз живемо в іншому місті,але ось вже 10 років минуло, а пам"ятаємо цю людину! Хто був його пацієнтом-не забуде. Чуйний, уважний до дрібниць, добрий, не конфліктний. Більше таких лікарів не зустрічали.

We often hear that someone from our friends or relatives have established "dental pin" or "tooth on the pin", and often themselves dentists is highly recommended restoration of teeth is on pins. With what is the need of such manipulations? Let's face it.

Let's start with the fact that the pins have long been used in dentistry, even in ancient times primitive craftsmen, barbers and later tried to strengthen teeth in various ways, ranging from blades of grass and twigs and finishing later thread and wire.

Application pin designs

Application pin designs

To date, the function of dental pins - reinforcement pulpless teeth, ie teeth, of which for various reasons have been removed neurovascular bundle, the pulp. It is known that when a tooth is interrupted depulpirovanii supply its hard tissue from the vasculature and nervous disorders of the nervous system, resulting in tooth over time becomes more brittle and prone to all sorts of destruction and overloads. Often volume seal mounted on a tooth, unable to withstand masticatory forces, and gradually begin to happen chips, and even worse, spalling of whole walls of the tooth or filling. If spalling occurred deep under the gum, then this tooth to be removed. From this situation, unfortunately, is not insured by any one patient with depulpirovat teeth.

The pins are designed to strengthen teeth and prevent potential negative consequences depulpirovaniya outlined above. They are installed in one or more channels of a tooth and provide good support for future fillings or crowns. Modern pins are divided into metal (titanium, steel, brass, precious metals), glass fiber and carbon fiber. Metal pins also are often referred to as anchor, they can be threaded (active) or without (passive). What type of pin must be installed in the tooth, as well as the number of pins defined by the doctor depending on the clinical case.

How are the pins

The installation of the dental pin does not involve feelings of discomfort the patient either during or after the manipulation. In a remote tooth pulp specially treated root canal, expand it and set the pin, fixing the special dental cement or light-cured composite. After that, put the seal. The result is a single monolithic structure capable of sustaining vertical and lateral chewing load, without destroying the tooth structure and without causing chipping. In some cases, according to testimony at the restored tooth crown set with a pin made ​​of metal, metal-ceramic, zirconia, and other advanced materials. Such a tooth becomes fully protected from external influences and destruction.

Separately, emit so-called parapulparnye pins whose purpose - reinforcement heavily damaged, but vital, living tooth. They are installed next to the pulp in the saved, not damaged caries process and hard tissues are additional mechanical connecting element of the remainder of the tooth with a filling. This recovery option is particularly relevant in the posterior teeth, where the load when eating reaches the limit.

Of great importance is caring for teeth restored on pins - in addition to a thorough personal hygiene and implementation of recommendations of the doctor, requires regular preventive examination by a dentist in order to avoid unforeseen situations and prevent the possible development of caries.

Prices for the work for installing dental pins will vary depending on the clinic the tooth number and type of pins and the particular clinical case.

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