Ilina Svetlana

Therapist, Hygienist.

Work experience:

17 years
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Dentist Ilina Svetlana

Doctor Ilina Svetlana

Doctor - therapist paradontologa

Specialty - General Dentistry

Member of Ukrainian Dental Association

He graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional Medicine.

Therapeutic practice took place at the Department of Postgraduate Education Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy.

Field of activity:

Education proper oral hygiene;
Treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis;
Professional oral hygiene device "Cavitron";
Treatment of caries;
Teeth whitening;
Restoration of all groups of teeth with modern photopolymer materials;
Root canal treatment using modern materials and techniques.

Cosmetic Dentistry


Capa whitening

24 USD

Chemical teeth whitening

72 USD

Home bleaching

48 USD



4 - 12 USD

Treatment of caries

14 - 45 USD

Treatment of pulpitis / periodontitis

4 - 12 USD

Oral Hygiene


Brushing teeth Air-Flow

21 USD

Brushing your teeth with ultrasound

12 USD

More information about the doctor Ilina Svetlana

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