Ivanchikhin Marina S.


Work experience:

16 years

Works in:

Kyiv, Dyushato on Dreiser - 14 years
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Dentist Ivanchikhin Marina S.

Doctor Ivanchikhin Marina S.

She graduated from Kharkiv National Medical University in 2009.

Besides the main specialization, general dentistry, has KMAPE specialization in orthopedic dentistry. Successfully engaged microprosthetics, metal and all-ceramic works.

Despite his youth, Maria S. highly qualified specialist in root canal treatment, fluent work endomotorom used for root canal treatment technique MTA depoforez. "Hopeless" teeth for her not. Her aesthetic restoration commendable. Successfully engaged in the conservative treatment of periodontal disease, fiberglass splinting mobile teeth, ozone therapy, and laser teeth whitening.

Actively working to improve their professionalism in the master classes, seminars (has 21 certified training).

Dental Prosthesis


Ceramic crown zirconium oxide

168 USD

Clasp prosthesis

216 - 278 USD

Dental crowns, bridge (non-removable dentures)

20 USD

Denture plastic

110 USD

Metal-ceramic crown

51 USD

Temporary crown

12 USD


95 USD



Glass ionomer fillings

10 - 12 USD

Initial consultation


Photopolymer fillings in

14 - 17 USD

Treatment of caries


Treatment of pulpitis / periodontitis

3 - 7 USD

Gum Treatment


Laser biostimulation


Teeth splinting

46 - 57 USD

More information about the doctor Ivanchikhin Marina S.

Ivanchikhin Marina S.

Ivanchikhin Marina S.

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  2. Services

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Kyiv, Dreiser, 19,

Dyushato on Dreiser
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