What is silver teeth know almost everything - in the national dentistry method has been used for decades for which has been accumulated an impressive scientific prakticheki experience with silver kariesstatichekih purposes. Read more
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In pediatric dentistry silver milk teeth is performed to prevent the progression of caries. The method is most effective when caries in the stage of the spot where violations of the integrity of the enamel in the form of a cavity is not yet formed. Thin silver film covers the tooth, clogging "pores" in the enamel, making cariogenic bacteria can not penetrate deep into the tissue.
What is silver teeth know almost everything - in the national dentistry method has been used for decades for which has been accumulated an impressive scientific prakticheki experience with silver kariesstatichekih purposes.
Why and when to Silvering teeth children
Not all young children can boast of perfect teeth. This is explained by factors that do not depend on them (pathology tissue formation during bookmarks teeth, saliva composition or quantity), and the whims and protests in the form of failure to brush your teeth. Also, dental health is directly dependent on the diet of the child, his eating habits and awareness of his parents in matters of personal hygiene.
Sometimes moms and dads may not know that the child should brush your teeth begin immediately after their appearance can not teach him to hygiene practices or begin to do it too late, when it is difficult to persuade to open his mouth. In such circumstances, to talk about the treatment of dental caries in the classic sense (the filling of) is not necessary. Noninvasive silver teeth does not require the participation of a drill, completely painless and quite effectively.
Of course, the teeth on silver painted black, but it's a small price to preserve their viability.
Consult your dentist need as soon as possible - even with the appearance of bright spots on the teeth. Conducting the procedure is so simple that you can even discuss with your doctor silver teeth at home in the event that a child is sick or otherwise unable to visit the clinic.
What is the procedure of silvering milk teeth?
After the occupational health physician three special brush applied to the surface of teeth preparation with silver. These are the usual applications, which do not cause discomfort and are not afraid of the child. All that was required of him - to sit quietly with your mouth open, it is thus silver baby teeth again (in some cases it is recommended to be done every 3 months), children are not afraid.
Not bad illustrates how the silver teeth is the picture on the left
What can replace milk teeth silvering children?
Teeth on silver (see picture left) do not look very aesthetically pleasing, but it is the most affordable alternative to stop incipient caries - cheaper than you can imagine.
There is a more modern alternative to silvering teeth - remineralizing procedure called deep fluoridation. It is carried out in the same way as the silver - as applications. Teeth at the same time retain their color, become stronger, and repeat the procedure do not have to spend so much, but the cost of deep fluoridation is several times higher, so it can not afford it.
Do I need a silver tooth in each case determines the dentist. It assesses the level of oral hygiene, child's readiness for treatment of caries (because if the child does not allow him to put the seal to be left out so many options), conducts tests to see the beginning caries (vital staining).
When you see the child's teeth even the slightest light or pale yellow spots, hurry take the kid to the dentist. This will help keep his teeth to physiological change.