Tarnavskiy Evgeniy


Work experience:

19 years

Works in:

Kyiv, Smile Dental Studio - 14 years
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Dentist Tarnavskiy Evgeniy

Doctor Tarnavskiy Evgeniy

From 2002 to 2004 he studied at the Medical School Belotserkovsk, from which he graduated with honors. By specialty - a dental technician. After graduation worked as an assistant under the supervision of a dentist OG Falovskogo, which contributed to the request to extend the training to become a dentist.

From 2005 to 2010 he studied at the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, where he took an active part in the scientific developments of modern dental technology. He engaged in scientific activity in several departments. Marked diplomas for contribution to the development of students' science. After graduation, he began working at the clinic, and today specializes in an integrated approach to solving complex dental problems.

Since 2010, it specializes in aesthetic and cosmetic prosthetic restorations. It takes an active part in seminars and workshops devoted to issues of aesthetic rehabilitation of patients with dentition defects. Evgeniy is actively developing in the field of dental implantology.

Certificates doctor Tarnavskiy Evgeniy

Dental Implants


Installing dental implants

374 - 1248 USD

Dental Prosthesis



374 - 624 USD



Treatment of caries

12 - 22 USD

More information about the doctor Tarnavskiy Evgeniy

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Kyiv, Saksahanskoho, 58,

Smile Dental Studio
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