One of the common myths - that baby teeth do not need to be treated, because they still will soon fall out. In fact, the health of the teeth temporary occlusion need to take care and watch even more closely than permanent. When you have to remove the baby teeth and how does it happen? Read more
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Reviews about Milk tooth extraction
Most often removal of deciduous teeth occurs in such situations:
Dentists try not to delete temporary teeth. Not only because of the psycho-emotional difficulties on the part of the child, but also for other important reasons:
Temporary tooth - "companion" for the permanent tooth bud. He shows him the way to his place in the dental arch. The root of the milk gradually dissolves, giving way to a successor. And if not, the rudiment can not simply be cut out of his place, but also to turn or change places with each other.
Removing the front milk teeth is often due to lack of hygiene, nursing caries and injuries of these teeth on child negligence. And without anterior articulation difficult - some say sounds impossible.
- Because of the early removal of milk canines and molars (posterior) the child can not chew food properly.
- He has to use are not available for this teeth or even abandon the solids that is bad for the health of the digestive tract.
- When chewing teeth are missing, there is nothing to keep the height of the bite, so the jaws are closed deeper overloaded joints.
Develops because of overuse.
When teeth are missing and the whole dentition works in disharmony, there may be a lag in the growth of some bones. For example, the lower jaw when it is underdeveloped, formed the so-called "bird's face."
Sometimes even dangerous to keep teeth. In what situations to delay the removal of deciduous teeth in children is by no means impossible?
If it's time to physiological change, the child can rock the baby tooth. Resorbed root and at the end of it there is only a small rim, which keeps only the mucosa.
But in some cases it may be thinner uneven and does not wobble. In order not to hurt the child, it is better to turn to a dentist - he can psychologically adjust it to distract, to provide good pain relief and quickly remove the tooth.
In pediatric dentistry removal of milk teeth are trying to perform as painlessly as possible, in the three-stage helps anesthesia:
As you can see, even the prick of a child does not feel so unable to protect him from unnecessary emotions.
For it to be more proud of themselves, it is desirable to prepare in advance - to buy a gift, badges, medals. These need we launched a secret pass the doctor, and he is sure to encourage the child.
Sometimes, if it is bad go to the contact, it is necessary to prepare and medication. In each case, the doctor evaluates the child's behavior and determine its readiness for treatment. If required, anesthesia or sedation required to appoint a consultation with anesthesiologists, allergists, pediatricians, surrender some tests - can not risk the health of children.
Kids need to prepare in advance. Telling stories, a lot of talk on this subject, "treat" house of dolls, praise little hero. And do not hesitate to ask the doctor tooth - in memory or just to "give a mouse."
If after removing the temporary teeth in children dentist will recommend the prosthesis, it must be necessarily hold. This will prevent psychological problems in communicating with their peers, facial asymmetry, joint disease, dentoalveolar deformation.