Nowicka Irene A.

Work experience:

24 year

Works in:

Kyiv, Dyushato Children Department - 10 years
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Dentist Nowicka Irene A.

Doctor Nowicka Irene A.

a children's dentist. Graduated from the Kiev Medical University in 2000. Has a first qualification category in children's dentistry. Knows the psychology of children of different ages, has knowledge of the psychological and emotional preparation of children and knows how to communicate with them. Successfully engaged in the prevention of dental caries, conservative treatment of early forms of caries, treatment of complications of caries, restoration of & nbsp; milk and permanent teeth, germetizatsatsiey fissures of teeth. Has 18 certificates of training in specialty dentistry. & Nbsp;

Pediatric Dentistry


Fissure sealing

7 - 9 USD

Milk tooth caries treatment

5 - 10 USD

Silvering teeth


Treatment of pulpitis / periodontitis milk tooth


More information about the doctor Nowicka Irene A.

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Kyiv, Vygurovsky blvd., 4,

Dyushato Children Department
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